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Southern California Stormwater
Monitoring Coalition
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Highlighted Projects
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Development of Regional Approaches and Protocols for Trash Monitoring and Management
Implementing a New 5-Year Regionally Consistent and Integrated Freshwater Stream Bioassessment Monitoring Program
Standardized MS4 Monitoring Programs
Standardized Reporting for Water Quality Monitoring Programs
Stormwater Retention Credit Framework/Alternative Compliance Strategies
Water Quality Index and Visualization
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3 special studies to be conducted during SMC 2021-2025 regional stream monitoring
4 priority research projects the SMC is initiating in 2020-2021
Benefits of participating in the SMC’s ongoing chemistry laboratory intercalibration exercise
Composition of the SMC’s modified channels workgroup
Contributors to the SMC’s Regional Watershed Monitoring Program for 2021-2025
Descriptions of projects underway and completed from the SMC’s previous Research Agenda
Descriptions of the SMC’s four top-ranked candidate projects from its 2024-2029 Research Agenda
Expanding the SMC street sweeping study’s scope to include microplastics
First decade of SMC regional bioassessment program generates key insights about stream condition
HF183 and health risks: Overview of the study design
How HF183 came to be used to detect sources of fecal contamination
How stormwater managers are using calculator tools to streamline analysis of BMP performance data
How stormwater managers can benefit from knowing street sweeping’s effectiveness at removing contaminants from runoff
How the SMC CLEAN project advances long-term BMP management goals
How the SMC envisions the Streamlining Annual Reporting project’s outcomes will be used
List of experts who served on the SMC’s expert panel to develop the 2024-2029 Research Agenda
List of laboratories participating in the SMC’s ongoing chemistry intercalibration
List of laboratories that participated in the SMC’s chemistry laboratory intercalibration
List of members of the Streamlining Annual Reporting focus group
List of members of the Streamlining Annual Reporting focus group
Major vs. minor players: Which stressors contribute to biological degradation of southern California streams?
New SMC 5-year Research Agenda underscores the commitment to collaborative, regional stormwater research projects
Overview of the SMC’s newly published 2024-2029 Research Agenda
Overview of the study design for the SMC’s street sweeping effectiveness study
Regional monitoring network being built to evaluate BMP performance
Scope of the SMC’s chemistry laboratory intercalibration study
Scope of the SMC’s chemistry laboratory intercalibration study
SMC 5-year Research Agenda underscores commitment to collaborative, regional stormwater projects
SMC chemistry intercalibration completed to ensure stormwater monitoring data are comparable, high quality
SMC chemistry intercalibration to ensure consistency, quality of stormwater monitoring data
SMC CLEAN project helps bring regional consistency, standardization to LID implementation
SMC convenes independent expert panel to develop its 2019-2024 Research Agenda
SMC developing stormwater research priorities for next 5 years
SMC develops regional approach and web-based user interface for streamlining, enhancing how dischargers present annual reporting data
SMC effort underway to build new vision for how dischargers collect, analyze stormwater data
SMC investigating effectiveness of street sweeping for reducing runoff pollution
SMC Regional BMP Monitoring Network begins Year 2 of monitoring BMP performance
SMC regional monitoring network being leveraged to evaluate BMPs’ ability to capture microplastics in runoff
SMC regional stream monitoring kicks off third cycle
SMC renews Master Agreement through 2024
SMC study examining how much HF183 in stormwater is too much
SMC study working to identify stressors responsible for stream biological degradation
SMC’s plans for the initial pilot phase of the Regional BMP Monitoring Network
The many partners that contributed to the CLEAN project’s success
What are the key management benefits of SMC regional watershed monitoring?
What stormwater managers can expect from the SMC’s Regional BMP Monitoring Network
What the SMC has already learned about the biological condition of Southern California’s modified channels
Why managers want to know if BMPs can remove microplastics
Why southern California needs a BMP regional monitoring network
Why the SMC developed streamlined annual reporting approach
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Annual Reports
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Former-Project Related Documents
SMC Meetings
SMC Meeting 12-4-2018
SMC Meeting 12-5-2017
SMC Meeting 12-6-2016
SMC Meeting 3-6-2018
SMC Meeting 3-7-2017
SMC Meeting 6-5-2018
SMC Meeting 6-6-2017
SMC Meeting 9-11-2018
SMC Meeting 9-5-2017
SMC Research Agendas
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Projects Archive
Approval of SMC Master Agreement with Alternate Program Funding Approach
Bacterial Reference Watershed Study
Barriers to Low Impact Development Study 2010-2012
Design of Regional Bioassessment Monitoring Program
Develop Standardized Sampling and Analysis Protocols
Effects of Wildfires on Contaminant Runoff and Emissions
Low Impact Development Project
Microbial Source Tracking Method Comparison
Peak Flow Impacts
Phase 1 Hydromodification Study
Post-Fire Monitoring Plan
Regional Bioassessment Monitoring Program
Stormwater Research Needs in Southern California
Toxicity Testing Laboratory Intercalibration
SMC Clean
SMC Meeting 3-5-2019
SMC Regional Stormwater Monitoring Comparison and Evaluation
6/3/2019 SMC Meeting
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Agenda Minutes (March) SQI Report SQI Fact sheet