
SMC chemistry intercalibration completed to ensure stormwater monitoring data are comparable, high quality

The SMC has completed the fourth iteration of a periodic intercalibration exercise to ensure laboratories performing routine… Read more

SMC regional monitoring network being leveraged to evaluate BMPs’ ability to capture microplastics in runoff

The SMC will investigate the extent to which structural stormwater BMPs across southern California can capture microplastic… Read more

SMC investigating effectiveness of street sweeping for reducing runoff pollution

The SMC has launched a multi-year effort to measure whether routine street sweeping makes a measurable impact in reducing contamination in runoff that enters storm drains… Read more

SMC study working to identify stressors responsible for stream biological degradation

The SMC has begun working to identify the environmental stressors in Southern California modified channels that are major contributors to the degradation… Read more

SMC study examining how much HF183 in stormwater is too much

For years, Southern California’s stormwater management community has relied on a DNA marker known as HF183 to detect human sources of fecal contamination in runoff… Read more

SMC chemistry intercalibration to ensure consistency, quality of stormwater monitoring data

The SMC has launched the fourth cycle of a periodic intercalibration exercise intended to ensure that laboratories that perform routine chemistry analyses… Read more

SMC effort underway to build new vision for how dischargers collect, analyze stormwater data

The SMC has launched a three-year effort to assess how Southern California’s stormwater management community could extract more managerially relevant insights… Read more

Regional monitoring network being built to evaluate BMP performance

The SMC has begun building a regional monitoring network to help address significant, persistent knowledge gaps in managers’ understanding of how to optimize the performance… Read more

SMC regional stream monitoring kicks off third cycle

The third cycle of the SMC’s Regional Watershed Monitoring Program kicked off this year with an updated monitoring design that builds on previous stream surveys, while simultaneously… Read more

First decade of SMC regional bioassessment program generates key insights about stream condition

The SMC has built a spatially representative, regional data set reflecting the biological condition… Read more

SMC CLEAN project helps bring regional consistency, standardization to LID implementation

The SMC has developed a new comprehensive guidance manual and accompanying video training… Read more

New SMC 5-year Research Agenda underscores the commitment to collaborative, regional stormwater research projects

The Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition (SMC) has renewed its commitment… Read more